Project Title: Promoting gender-equitable and inclusive socio-economic living conditions for disadvantaged families in the districts of Dhading and Kanchanpur, Nepal.
Project ID: BMZ-P8003-NEPCON
Funding Partners: Karl Kuebel Stiftung Germany and BMZ Germany
Implementing Partners: Integrated Community Development Campaign (ICDC) Nepal for Dhading District & National Environment and Equity Development Society (NEEDS) for Kanchanpur District.
Project Location/s: 13 Communities in Galchi Rural Municipality, District Dhading of Bagmati Province & 14 communities in Belauri Municipality, Kanchapur District of Sudurpaschim Province
Project Duration: 01.07.2024 to 31.12.2027
Project Summary: (in one paragraph)
P8003-NEPCON is an integrated development initiative that promotes socio-economic conditions of the target people in an inclusive way. The project aims to strengthen 800 families – especially women and children from 27 villages in the districts-of Dhading & Kanchanpur – socio-economically through inclusive and gender-equitable integration, prevention and employment measures, to be more effectively protected against poverty and marginalization and to be better prepared for natural disasters through inclusive disaster risk reduction management. The project pursues a gender-inclusive approach in the components of women’s business start-ups, employment and labor market integration, capacity building at village, school and farmers association level by means of equal self-empowerment and networking, as well as water – sanitation and hygiene (WASH), child protection/ education, disaster risk reduction and advocacy.
Result and Activities:
- The economic situation of small farmers, esp. Women have improved through income-generating measures and capacity-building cooperation in farmers’ groups and cooperatives.
- In the project communities and village schools, hygienic sanitation facilities and clean drinking water are available through infrastructural adaptation measures, and there is a higher awareness of their gender-equitable inclusive use.
- Child protection and gender-inclusive education are improved at the village schools and in the project communities through higher awareness, joint representation of interests and infrastructural adaptation measures.
- The ability of the 803 households to help themselves, especially people with disabilities, is strengthened in the project area by establishing and strengthening inclusive disaster management committees and raising awareness of inclusive disaster risk reduction.
- The capacities and competencies of civil society advocacy at village and school level have been strengthened in order to achieve a better impact and representation in the field of advocacy.